Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Friston Forest

    Friston Forest is located behind Seven Sisters
    Country Park off of the A259.
    You can also enter the Forest from Jevington.

    White Horse on the edge of Frog Firle at Cuckmere Valley on
    the 'River Cliff'. The Cliff was carved out of the chalk by Glacial
    melt water. The mysterious Horse was cut into the Chalk in 1836.
    View of Cuckmere Haven from the edge of the Forest

    A great spot to watch Buzzards in action.
     I saw four, soaring together on the edge of the forest.
    Nesting Rooks.
    On the edge of the Forest.
    Goat Willow (Salix caprea) (?)
    Tube Lichen
    Tree Sap and Fungus on an upturned Tree.
    Marbled White Butterfly ( Melanargia galathea)

    Large Skipper Butterfly
    Ochlodes venata
    Ringlet Butterfly
    In a Meadow at the edge of the Forest
    Wasp nest
    Banded Snails

    Common Pipistrelle Bat
    Found this lil fella on the floor under a tree, mid-afternoon.
    In fact, I nearly trod on him, my friend alerted me to his prescence!
    I picked him up and warmed him in my hands as he felt cold and
    was very sluggish. I also gave him some water from the end of
    my finger which he tried to bite. I left him in the tree that we found
    him under. He seemed to be washing himself as we left.
    I phoned The Bat Society which lead to me having a month's course
    of Rabies injections. Bat's must only be handled whilst wearing gloves.
    The Bat Society informed me that I should've taken him home
    then contacted them to come and collect him. I did return the next day,
    there was no sign of him. I do hope he found his roost!
    Bats are protected in the UK.
    Swallow taking a break
    Injured Wood Pigeon
    I left him in a safe place in the woods
    Large Ground Beetle

    Wasp Beetle
    Clytus arietis
    I think this is a type of Longhorn Beetle.
    Bloody-Nosed Beetle Larvae
    Mating Bloody-Nosed Beetles (Timarcha tenebricosa)
    A flightless Beetle. Also called the Blood Spewing Beetle
    as it exhudes a bright red, foul-tasting fluid from it's mouth
    as a defence. One of the largest Leaf Beetles in the UK.

    Sexton Beetle or Burying Beetle is a member of the
    Carrion Beetle Family.
    Family - Silphidae
    Genus - Nicrophorus
    They can detect a dead animal from far away with the
    chemoreceptors on their antennae.
    Found this one under the tail of a dead Fox.
    I think it'll take him a while to bury that!
    Dor Beetle (Geostrupes stercorarius).
    One of the UK's largest Dung Beetles.
    Named so as they eat mainly Cow Dung, of which they
    can eat the equivalent of their own bodyweight everyday!
    They can fly but are rather clumsy.
    Cardinal Beetle (Pyrochroa serraticornis)
    Lives on small insects. A very strong flier.
    Found at the edges of Woodland.
    A type of Tortoise Beetle (?)
    Harvestman - Megabunus diadema
    Showing three spine-tipped apophyses on each femur.
    Harvestmen are not Spiders. They belong to the Arachnid
    order Opiliones. Unlike Spiders, Harvestmen's bodies are fused
    into one. They will feed on carrion and rotten vegetable matter
    which Spiders do not.
    Megabunus diadema 
    Amazing spikey brow : Ocularium with 5-6 very
    distinctive, long, crown-like spines.
    5mm in size. 
    Harvestman - Opilio canestrinii (Female)
    Invisible Spider (Drapetisca socialis)
    A type of Money Spider (Linyphiidae)
    These Spiders hunt by running up and down on tree bark
    - usually Beech. Try touching a Beech tree and see what moves!
    That's how I discovered them!
    Thanks to Gary Bradley of for Id.

    Male Invisible Spider
    Juvenile Wolf Spider
    Trochosa sp.
    Found in a grass clump along the edge of a Flint Wall at
    the edge of the Forest.
    Male Southern Hawker Dragonfly (Aeshna cyanea)
    Male Ruddy Darter Dragonfly (Sympetrum sanguineum)
    Unusual looking chap.
    I think it's a type of Hoverfly
    A type of Sawfly (?)
    A type of Hoverfly
    A Wolf or Hunting Spider - A member of the Lycosidae family.

    Three different colour variations of the Common Orb Web Spider.
    Also known as the Lesser Garden Spider.
    Family - Tetragnathidae
    Genus - Meta
    Nursery Web Spider (Pisaura mirabilis)
    Black Snake Millipede (Tachypodoiulus niger)

    Female Mitopus morio

    A rather pretty male Running Crab Spider.
    Family - Thomisidae
    Subfamily - Philodrominae
    This one was waiting for me on an old fence on the edge of
    Friston Forest, Jevington entrance.


  1. I take great pleasure watching bats glide through the air at dusk. I saw three or four bats on the elevated, eastern edge of Charleston Bottom recently. I always carry a few pairs of latex gloves when I'm out taking pictures, in case I need to help animals and birds.

    Have you heard the various Tawny Owls living in the forest? I love them. Their call sounds like a wind musical instrument.

  2. Good idea carrying gloves Alan. I have heard the Owls but never seen them.

  3. Hi Nik,
    James Manisty again from Atlantic Productions. If you might be able to track down a megabunus Diadema for our natural history shoot with David Attenborough I would be very interested to hear about it.
    Many thanks,
